The creation of a geopark on Syros – A proposal
Friday, June 17, 2011 On Saturday 4th June, at the Cultural Center of Syros-Ermoupolis Municipality, a meeting took place for the promotion of the geological heritage of the island. The main speaker was Dimitrios Kostopoulos, Assisant Professor of Geology and Geoenvironment Department of theNational and Kapodistrian University of Athens, accompanied by a group of twenty […]

Eclogites, metamorphic rocks of Northern Syros
Syros is situated in the center of the island group of the Cyclades. Its name derives from the Phoenician ‘ousyra’ or ‘ousoura’ which means ‘happy’. Geologically, Syros is covered in its greater part by metamorphic rocks* of the Atticocycladic mass. In northern Syros there are outcrops of some rare metamorphic rocks, among which eclogites occupy […]
Beekeeping: A Complete Treatise on Bees
Opinions of the Environmental Chamber
The Chamber of Environment and Sustainability represents: The area of Apano Meria of Syros includes, in addition to the typical phryganan ecosystem, the area “Aetos”, which is overgrown with reed and juniper, and is a forest ecosystem of sclerophyllous leaves (maquis vegetation) and (to a lesser extent) areas cultivated in a traditional manner (abandoned fields). […]
Urban Control Zones of Syros
UCZ Government Gazette – UCZ of Syros (You can download it here) SYROS: Urban Control Zones (UCZ) Urban Zones in Siros: with yellow color are the RCZ and with green the Archaeological sites The Urban Control Zones (UCZ) defined by the 1337/83 law, article 29, paragraph 2 (Gov.Gzt. 33/Art/83), are areas of ecological protection, determined […]
Government Gazette – Chaladriani – Grammata – Pherecydes Cave
You can download it here
Natura 2000 – Government Gazette – Special Protection Areas
2011 N 3937 Gov.Gzt. 60 A 31032011 (You can download it here) Special Protection Areas 2010 Adaptation 79_409_2010 (You can download it here)
What the Council of the State says about Apano Meria in Syros
Small islands are among the sensitive ecosystems that need special protection under the constitutional requirement of Article 24 of the Constitution on the Protection of the Natural Environment. An essential part of this protection is the specific spatial planning which must ensure the survival of the natural capital and ecosystems of the island and provide […]
What is the NATURA 2000 Network
It was found by the European Union that the conservation of a certain number of natural habitats and species of Community interest (Special Areas of Conservation), is gradually deteriorating, with the risk of leading to an irreversible loss of a significant part of biodiversity. In order to prevent this danger, it was deemed necessary to […]